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Food Allergies

Whether you or someone in your care has a food allergy, making food choices that support good health can be challenging. These resources can help you make healthy food choices while managing food allergies.


It is common for babies and children to develop eczema, a condition that causes red, itchy patches on the skin. If your baby has eczema, it could increase their risk of developing food allergy. Learn more about Eczema and Food Allergy in Babies and Young Children.

Reducing the Risk of Food Allergy

Food allergy and other allergic conditions tend to run in families. About 7% of babies and young children have food allergy. Children can outgrow some food allergies. Learn how to reduce the risk of food allergy in your baby.

Severe Allergic Reactions

Some people with food allergy are at risk of a having a severe allergic reaction. A severe allergic reaction often happens quickly and can be life threatening. Learn about the signs of a severe allergic reaction and how to treat it immediately.  

Food Allergy Testing

To prevent allergic reactions, people with food allergy must know what foods they need to avoid. Without a diagnosis, it may be difficult for them to know what food or foods trigger allergic reactions. Learn more about food allergy testing and the steps involved in diagnosis. 

Food Allergen Labelling

Health Canada provides information about the common food allergens and labelling requirements, and offers tips for avoiding common allergens in foods. People with a peanut or crustacean allergy may need to pay attention to additional foods and ingredients:

Useful Resources

Government of British Columbia - Core Anaphylaxis Resources
This website provides a list of anaphylaxis resources to help assist with the management of severe food allergies in schools.

Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
The Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology provides information on managing severe food allergies. Visit the Patient and School Resources page to learn about the various allergic and immunological conditions that are common today.

Government of Canada
Health Canada provides information about food allergies, including how to avoid food-based allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Canada
Food Allergy Canada is a non-profit dedicated to helping Canadians with food allergies live with confidence.

Last Updated: June 2021