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HealthLinkBC Files

HealthLinkBC Files

HealthLinkBC Files are easy-to-understand fact sheets about public health and safety. Most files are available in Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, French, Korean, Punjabi, Spanish and Vietnamese.

HealthLinkBC Files provide information on health topics like

  • Childhood and adult disease prevention
  • Infant vision and dental care
  • Immunizations
  • Environmental health hazards
  • Advice on travel on vaccinations and precautions to take while travelling
  • Food safety and how to avoid food poisoning

Search or browse for HealthLinkBC Files below, or visit the HealthLinkBC Files List. You can sort the list by File Number, File Name, or Date of Last Update.

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Translated Companion Document

If the language you are looking for is not listed, please contact HealthLinkBC at 8-1-1 for interpretation services over the phone. If you do share a HealthLinkBC File with someone who does not speak one of the languages provided, please also provide them the Translated Companion Document: Translated Companion Document.

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Food Cleanup

Hepatitis and Nutrition

Lyme Disease

Nitrates in Well Water

Stomach Flu


Ultraviolet Radiation

Well Water Safety